a poetic film about the homes of arcitecht Iwan Iwanoff
Funded by Revelation International Film FestivalThese Walls explores the world of late Bulgarian architect Iwan Iwanoff, whose residential "Concrete Castles in the Suburbs" punctuate the Perth landscape. Accompanied by interviews from his son, the home owners and an academic, each filmic element interprets Iwanoff’s tension between structure and decoration, building to a poetic interpretation of his life and work.
Funded by Revelation International Film Festival & City of Vincent, 2021.
Nominee: WA Screen Awards (Short Film / Animation presented by AFTRS), 2021.
ACS Silver Award 2021.
Director: Brodie May Rowlands
Producer: Sophia Vertannes
DOP: Mahmudul Raz
Editor: Luca Capelli
Original Score: ZĀN (Zain Awan)
Funded by City of Vincent and Relation Internation Film Festival